Project Management Methodologies: Interactive Checklists

In this guide, we present you with interactive checklists to minimize the risks you might face during your projects. We will look at the most common project management methodologies. Every methodology is briefly introduced and followed with a checklist.
Make sure to go through all the items to increase the chance of turning all your project efforts into a huge success.
Organizations can bridge the chasm between high-level strategic vision and implementation with the right project management methodology. At the end of this workbook, you will find a guide to help you choose the best methodology for your project.
Download the Guide Including Interactive Checklists

Contents of the guide is:
- Introduction
- How to Set for Success?
- Common Risks for Examination
- Project Management Methodologies
- Waterfall Introduction
- Waterall Checklist
- Agile Introduction
- Scrum Introduction
- Scrum Checklist
- Kanban Introduction
- Kanban Checklist
- Lean Introduction
- Lean Checklist
- Which Methodology Should You Choose?
How to Avoid Risks in Common Project Management Methodologies
According to the PMI research, across all industries, the average percentage of projects that are deemed failures is 14 percent.
Average % of projects… | CHAMPIONS | UNDER-PERFORMERS |
… projects completed on time | 88% | 24% |
… projects completed within budget | 90% | 25% |
… projects that meet the original goal | 92% | 33% |
… projects experiencing scope creep | 28% | 68% |
… projects deemed failures | 6% | 24% |
… budgets loss when a project fails | 14% | 46% |
Source of data PMI’s Pulse of Profession.
Those interactive checklists cover the following project management methodologies:
- first, the traditional Waterfall approach,
- second, the Agile methodology in general,
- next, the Scrum and Kanban project management,
- and the Lean project management.
In addition to these interactive checklists for the project methodologies, the guide also helps you decide which project methodology might be the best for your project. After that, there is a comprehensive table of various project attributes that you can match with your needs and decide easily.
Also check out The Ultimate Guide to Successful Project Management that will give you important tools to smoothly lead your projects towards success.