170+ Key Performance Indicator Examples (KPI) and a Free Tracking Tool
This article provides 170+ Key Performance Indicator Examples divided into 10 categories.
The goal of this article isn’t to provide a detailed description of all the indicators. It should rather give you a basic idea and an overview of typical metrics in given areas. We highly recommend you to Google the KPI names and seek deeper insights.
If you are new to KPIs, we highly recommend you to read All You Need to Know About KPIs.
Lumeer is very convenient to set, track and analyze Key Performance Indicators. In the following project, we are providing 170+ key performance indicator examples ready for you to use.
Below you can find a more detailed description of individual categories.
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Key Performance Indicator Examples Categories
The E-Commerce key performance indicator examples describe the key performance of the online commerce inside a company. These KPIs emphasize the level of attracting potential customers on its website and the level of online sales.
What trends they can demonstrate? The E-Commerce KPIs can show how much the company can rely on the website to bring you profit from online sales. The higher the level of visitors and closed transactions, the better the online sales process.
Project Management
The Project Manager key performance indicator examples describe the key performance of the management of a project inside the company.
These KPIs emphasize:
- the level of cohesion between the team members that handle a certain project,
- the level of efficiency of the activities run by the team,
- and the overall results obtained by the team in accomplishing the smart goal of that particular project.
What trends they can demonstrate? The Project Management KPIs can show how the company can deliver from the beginning to an end of a project. All of that within a certain context and with the available resources (human capital, technologies and budget).
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The Manufacturing key performance indicator examples describe the key performance of the manufacturing process inside the company. These KPIs emphasize the efficiency of the manufacturing operations and activities, as well as the quality of the products.
What trends they can demonstrate? The Manufacturing KPIs show how the company is manufacturing its products, with what costs and how it can improve the manufacturing cycle.
The Sales key performance indicator examples describe the average profit generated by the sale of the products/services owned by the company to its customers.
These KPIs emphasize:
- the efficiency of the sales process,
- your relationships with the customers,
- the level of attractiveness of the company brand,
- various attributes of the transactions with the customers.
What trends they can demonstrate? The Sales KPIs can show how the company interacts and sells its products to the customers and how many customers come to purchase again its products.
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Customer Service
The Customer Service key performance indicator examples describe the relationship of the company with the customers and the potential customers as well as the satisfaction rate of the clients that purchase its products/services.
These KPIs emphasize the attrition rate of the old and new customers of a company.
What trends they can demonstrate? The Customer Service KPIs can show the importance of an efficient and user-friendly customer relationship management. The higher the attrition and satisfaction rates, the bigger the revenues of the company.
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Human Resources
The Human Resources key performance indicator examples describe the performance of the activities run by the Human Resources team inside the company.
These activities are related to:
- the processes of recruitment,
- selection and on-boarding the employees,
- managing the relations between the employees and the company,
- training and development,
- maintenance of good working conditions,
- and legal compliance.
What trends they can demonstrate? The Human Resources KPIs can show how much of the human resources management goals are accomplished on a daily basis and what is the retention and performance rate of the human capital inside the company.
The Finance key performance indicator examples describe the company’s financial results, information about expenses, sales, profit, and cash flow, in order to optimize and achieve business’ financial goals and objectives.
These KPIs emphasize the costs and the profit done by a company with all of its activities, starting from manufacturing, wages, sales and ending with content creation.
What trends they can demonstrate? The Finance KPIs can show the gains and losses of the company throughout the entire business cycle.
IT & Software Development
The IT and Software Development key performance indicator examples describe the performance of the IT department of a company and the developing process of software.
These KPIs emphasize the efficiency of creating, running and maintaining the IT components and projects of a company.
What trends they can demonstrate? The IT and Software Development KPIs can show the efforts done by the company to invest and gain profit from the digital activities.
Business Intelligence
The Business Intelligence key performance indicator examples describe the performance of the usage of business intelligence solutions inside the company.
These KPIs emphasize the activities related to the knowledge management of the company.
What trends they can demonstrate? The Business Intelligence KPIs can show the costs of the company when creating and obtaining intelligence on the most important activities, operations and processes.
Content Marketing
The Content Marketing key performance indicator examples describe the performance of the content released and promoted by a company on various channels such as website, social media pages, digital platforms etc.
These KPIs emphasize the role of the user experience and content creators in the process of attracting the potential customers via online.
What trends they can demonstrate? The Content Marketing KPIs can show the attractiveness of the company in a certain industry and market.
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